Is it possible to route internet traffic when OpenVPN connection is active?

I use an OpenVPN client to connect to my office network to run a remote control client (VNC, LogMeIn) from home. I think that the server is the Untangle OpenVPN server. My understanding is that while connected, all my internet traffic is routed through the office's internet connection (am I right?). Can I split the traffic such that only specific browser windows or specific websites will be tunneled to the office, while the rest of the traffic will get directly to the 'net?

For example, I want to be able to remotely control my office machine while at the same time not to bother the office network with browsing Stack Exchange sites?

Solution 1:

My understanding is that while connected, all my internet traffic is routed through the office's internet connection

It depends...

route print 0* tells more

Can I split the traffic such that only specific browser windows or specific websites will be tunneled to the office

Yes, you can, partially. Not "specific browser windows" or websites, but specific IP/subnets. Change local route table with route add and route change

Solution 2:

You could use a service like and compare the results with openvpn online and offline. If it doesn't match, you're probably fine.

If it does match, verify that you do not have something like the following in your openvpn.conf:

redirect-gateway def1

If you do, comment it out. If you're still having issues, post your openvpn.conf here :)