What do square brackets in class names mean?

Solution 1:

The square brackets are used as an attribute selector, to select all elements that have a certain attribute value. In other words, they detect attribute presence.

Example 1:

img[alt="picName"] {width:100px;}

would affect only

<img src="picName.png" alt="picName" />

in your code, and won't affect

<img src="picName.png" alt="picName2" />

Example 2:

The following affects all elements with title attribute specified:

[title] {border:1px dotted #333;}

Example 3:

This CSS


will affect the following html

<p class="fancy">Hello</p>
<p class="very fancy">Hola</p>
<p class="fancy maybe">Aloha</p>

but won't affect this:

<p class="fancy-fancy">Privet</p>

Example 4:


will affect elements with lang attribute, which is hyphen-separated list of words beginning with “en”, like

<div lang="en">Tere</div>
<div lang="en-gb">GutenTag</div>

Examples 5, 6, 7:(CSS3)

The following attribute selector affects link elements whose href attribute value starts with the string “http:”.


The following attribute selector affects image elements whose src attribute values ends with the string “.png”.


The following attribute selector affects any input element whose name attribute value contains the string “choice”.


Solution 2:

That is most likely used by some sort of validator or validation library. The class here means that validate this field denoted by validate keyword and then:

required it is required field
custom validation type; allow only letters
length should be between 0 to 100 chars

Well, this information is used by the jQuery validation library you posted the link to :)