Where to find a Katana looking item in Skyrim?

I'm looking for a Katana like wepons in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. I have not been able to find any or craft any so if I can let me know.

Solution 1:

The Blades (a group that protects the Dragonborn) carry katanas, so progress the main story until you get to the hidden stronghold of The Blades to get a katana.

Link by @Kyle Rone - http://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Blades_Sword_(Skyrim)

The link states you can get one as soon as a character reveals him/herself to be a Blade and shows his/her secret room. It is near the enchanter.

Solution 2:

There are several places to get a Katana in Skyrim:

  • Delphines secret room on a weapons rack.
  • The Sky Haven Temple containing 4 Katanas and Dragonbane.
  • Bolar's Oathblade is in The Bloated Man's Grotto (If you are at any point in the quest "Ill Met By Moonlight" Bolar's Oathblade will not spawn in).
  • Harkon's Sword which you get from his corpse at the end of the Dawngaurd DLC.
  • Akaviri sword which can be looted from Dexicon Evicus with a high pickpocket skill.
  • Fulthiem, in the Nightgate Inn a little ways away from Windhelm.
  • The Ebony Blade which you can find in Dragonsreach at level 20 as a daedric quest.