iPhone and OpenCV

Solution 1:

OpenCV does indeed work on the iphone. Use the configure script here to compile the library: cross compiling for iphone

You just have to cross-compile just as you do your apps.

Solution 2:

OpenCV now (since 2012) has an official port for the iPhone (iOS).

You can find all of OpenCV's releases here.

And find install instructions here:

Tutorials & introduction for the new version 3.x

Solution 3:

The latest build script from Computer Vision Talks works great for Xcode 4 and iOS 4.3 . I have tried the script myself and it is just awesome!

Solution 4:

Here is opencv2.0 on iPhone iphone opencv test

Solution 5:

OpenCV is now available as a framework for iOS. Just drag and drop into your project. It supports video capture too. See the article and get the example project here: opencv framework for ios

For the sake of transparency, I wrote this article and it is hosted on my company's website.