What does 'cue' mean in this sentence?

Source: A kid held up a sign with his Venmo ID on ESPN and thousands of people sent him money.

Each Saturday during the college football season ESPN hosts College GameDay, an pre-game show with a bunch of football experts and hundreds of screaming college kids in the background.

Today one of those screaming college kids was Sam Crowder, a student who brilliantly decided to hold up a sign with his Venmo username asking his mom to send him beer money.

Cue the Internet, and instead of of getting a few bucks from his mom more than two thousand people sent him money on Venmo, including $50 from Venmo themselves.

I checked OED and there are many definitions for cue. I'm not sure how it is used here.

It means enter, from:

a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance. - OED

Here the Internet entered the picture, enabling him to raise a large sum of money he could not get otherwise.