Determine when someone last logged in to a server from a key

Solution 1:

You need to increase the LogLevel in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to VERBOSE and restart sshd. This will cause sshd to log the fingerprint of the key being used to whichever log file your sshd is configured to use e.g.

Jan  7 22:46:17 host.lan sshd[5998]: Connection from port 57062
Jan  7 22:46:17 host.lan sshd[5998]: Found matching RSA key: 54:d2:06:cf:85:ec:89:96:3c:a8:73:c7:a1:30:c2:8b
Jan  7 22:46:17 host.lan sshd[5998]: Found matching RSA key: 54:d2:06:cf:85:ec:89:96:3c:a8:73:c7:a1:30:c2:8b
Jan  7 22:46:17 host.lan sshd[5998]: Accepted publickey for user from port 57062 ssh2

It should be fairly straight forward to match the key fingerprint to the key and do what you want.