How to win dice poker?

Well as any other gambling its mostly luck there are only few things that can help you increase the odds:

Throw dices low and in the middle of the board if you go around the egdges and throw too strong it can happen that your dice gets out of the board and you will be left out with great disadvantage.

Know the winning combinations(highest to lowest):

  • Five-of-a-kind – five dice showing the same value
  • Four-of-a-kind – four dice showing the same value
  • Full House – a pair and a three
  • Six-high strait – dice showing II, III, IV, V and VI
  • Five-high strait – dice showing I, II, III, IV and V
  • Three-of-a-kind – three dice showing the same value
  • Two pairs – dice showing two matched pairs of values
  • One pair – dice showing a single matched pair of values

You can also save game before playing dice poker and by loading game if you lose you can ensure that you get the lead,it will lower the chances you playing all the rounds.

And if you really lose every game like 10 in a row there could be some bug or glitch especially if you are using unofficial mods...on the other hand if you win here and there you could be plainly unlucky :(

Read this maybe you will find something you didn't know.