Which Found Bodies Don't Ruin the Silent Assassin Rating?

In what cases is it permissible to let bodies be found without risking a loss of the Silent Assassin rating in a mission? Experience with the results of such findings seems inconsistent:

  • Poisoning the Revolutionary (Elusive Target), and letting the NPCs find the body, granted a Silent Assassin rating.
  • Conversely, various accident kills seem to ruin the Silent Assassin rating, such as burning/exploding Penelope Graves or Maya Parvati in the return to Colorado due to bodies being found.

What are the rules about which bodies count as rating-ruining and which aren't?

Bodies which have suffered an accident or have been poisoned do not count as "found bodies", provided that they are your targets. Non-Target kills ruin the Slient Assasin rating, as can commonly occur with the accident with the battering ram that kills Parvati.