Unity: how to add a shell-script to the dock

You need to make a shortcut-file. Shortcuts for the Unity dock are located in ~/.local/share/applications/

  1. Create a file myGUIapp.desktop in that directory.

  2. Paste the following into that file (with correct paths for icon and shellscript):

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=My GUI App

  3. Make the file executable:

    Right click -> Properties -> Permissions -> Tick ‘Allow executing as a program’

  4. Restart Unity (or drag the file to the Dock to get it there directly).

Look in other files in ~/.local/share/applications/ to get an idea of how they should look. More info is available in this blog entry.

If you want the shortcut to be accessable to all users you should check out Ubuntu packaging guide about icons.
Basically the .desktop-file are installed or moved to /usr/share/applications/<binary>.desktop instead and icons are placed in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps