Create hyperlink on on iOS

I am using an iPad with the Smart Keyboard, but my question applied to all devices running iOS.

How do I create hyperlinked text in apps such as the or on iOS? I tried using the text selection menu, as well as the standard Command K shortcut, but neither of them seemed to give me the result I wanted.

Solution 1:

EDIT: I found the direct link to the Shortcut discussed below. Personally tried the Shortcut and it works flawlessly!

There seems to be a way to do it using Shortcuts. Visit this link and then use Find on Page to look for "Create Hyperlink". It looks like it will take a little effort to get it up and running, but once it's created should be fairly easy to use as long as you have the Shortcut enabled in the Share menu. I'll keep searching for an easier option/Shortcut method.