Firebase TIMESTAMP to date and Time
Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP is not actual timestamp it is constant that will be replaced with actual value in server if you have it set into some variable.
mySessionRef.update({ startedAt: Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP });
mySessionRef.on('value', function(snapshot){ console.log(snapshot.val()) })
//{startedAt: 1452508763895}
if you want to get server time then you can use following code
fb.ref("/.info/serverTimeOffset").on('value', function(offset) {
var offsetVal = offset.val() || 0;
var serverTime = + offsetVal;
timestamp is an object
timestamp= {nanoseconds: 0,
seconds: 1562524200}
console.log(new Date(timestamp.seconds*1000))
In fact, it only work to me when used
With one 'database' more on namespace.