Solution 1:

One way is to make use of the -w option in bash to check if the file is writable or not.

Go into the directory you want to check your files, then enter:

for RO in $(find . -type f);do [ -r "$RO" ] && [ ! -w "$RO" ] && echo $RO;done

(credit to


To deal with spaces in file names, better to use the find -exec way rather than looping into the find:

find . -type f -exec [ -r {} ] \; -exec [ ! -w {} ] \; -exec echo {} \;


find . -type f -exec [ -r {} ] \; -exec [ ! -w {} ] \; -print

Solution 2:

find . -type f -perm +444 \! -perm +222

searches for all files (-type f) which are readable (-perm +444) but not writable (! +perm +222).

If your mind boggles after reading up on -perm in man find you can also use the (significantly slower, especially on slow devices) option of processing the output of findyourself:

find . -type f -print0 |
    xargs -0 -n 1 sh -c '[ -r "$1" -a ! -w "$1" ] && echo "$1"' sh

This basically takes each file find finds, and runs it through a small shells script to check permissions.

PS: Hey, I didn't say the second way is less mind-boggling :-)