What are badges, and how do they work?

There is an attacking option called "Badges".

enter image description here

What are badges, and how do they work? What does the 000% UP stand for at the very bottom? From what I've looked up they serve as "gear" for players, similar to games like Fortnite and Apex:Legends, but I still don't understand how significant they are, and how badges are acquired.

Solution 1:

Badges are essentially powerups. You earn a badge piece for KO-ing other players and also get all the badge pieces the player you just KO'd had at that point. Once you collected enough badge pieces to complete a badge you get a bonus to garbage lines you are sending to other players while attacking. That bonus is indicated by the 000% UP. The amount of badge pieces needed to complete a badge and how it affects your bonus is as follows:

1st badge | 2 badge pieces | +25% lines

2nd badge | 4 badge pieces (6 total) | +50% lines

3rd badge | 8 badge pieces (14 total) | +75% lines

4th badge (maximum) | 16 badge pieces (30 total) | +100% lines

As an example: You just KO'd a player that had 5 badge pieces (1st badge completed and 3 additional pieces) already while you had none so far. That means you will get the 5 badge pieces they had collected up to that point and one additional piece for getting the KO, meaning you just completed your first 2 badges resulting in your attacks sending 50% more lines.