A softer synonym for Chaotic? [closed]

I'm a software developer working some instructions for a web form. The client has requested a special input for their users to fill out if their business is "more chaotic" long story short its a scheduling component.

The detail that matters to you and this question is we're trying to communicate to the user to fill this input out if their employees and business are "chaotic" and basically do not have a rigid schedule. My client thinks chaotic is too harsh a word and is looking for something that won't turn off their users.

So TL;DR whats a softer/more professional synonym for chaotic/turbulent/disorganized ?

Solution 1:

First of all, you are looking for a euphemism.

The euphemism I propose you use is flexible. For example:

Please fill out this alternative form if your company operates with flexible scheduling.

Solution 2:

Their business is Unstructured

lacking a clearly defined structure or organization: an unstructured conference; an unstructured school environment.

Solution 3:

If process control systems aren't working properly in a company, and you phone their customer support line to ask what's going on, they certainly won't say things are chaotic, turbulent or disorganized. They'll probably say...

We are experiencing some disruption

disruption - an interruption in the usual way that a system, process, or event works

(So fill out the form if your business is disrupted)

Solution 4:

How about Complex


  1. Difficult to understand for being intricate or involved; complicated: a complex problem.