A word that means harmful to touch?

I'm looking for a word to describe something that's harmful to touch. A word like corrosive or caustic, but without the implied danger itself (acidic, burning, etc.).

Something like: The surface of the floor is highly [word].


Solution 1:

If you want words that don't identify the exact nature of the danger, deleterious, harmful, or injurious might do. I don't think there's a word that specifically and only means harmful to touch, though.

Solution 2:

"Perilous" might be the closest to what you are looking for, but honestly I can't think of (or find in my trusty thesaurus) an English word that describes a generic "harmful to (the) touch" concept.

"perilous" is defined as "involving possible risk, loss, or injury", and thus not 100% touch specific - could be the floor (from your example sentence) might get up and slap you if you get too close, fully filling the promise of being "perilous"...

Same goes for "hazardous" and similar words.

Will be interesting if anyone comes up with the word you are looking for.