Can I turn eNom in to a slave, or somehow work side by side?

Solution 1:

If I understand you correctly, you want to set your BIND server as the source of your zones but you want to use other 3rd party servers as the authoritative servers for the domains, acting as slaves to your BIND host?

This can definitely be done and I have a similar setup. This is my setup (kind of like a CDN for DNS).

[zone host]-- axfr --+-- [ns1/3rd party slave]--+
                     +-- [ns2/3rd party slave]--+-- dns -- [rest of the net]

I have my host server hosting all my zones and providing AXFR zone transfers to a bunch of slave DNS services (there are many available on the internet). You will be able to find guides on how to do this with bind.

I have my domains then pointed to these slave servers as the authoritative servers (both primary and secondary) for these domains. All this requires is a configuration change at your registrar, eNom.

I also have a vanity NS setup so that actually points to the authoritative server IPs and not my host. eNom should be able to setup a vanity NS setup for you.

You will need to have A records set to resolve to these 3rd party server IPs as your ns1/ns2 and also register the vanity NS.