Is there a one click way to quit Skype in Windows 7?

Solution 1:

Found this on another site

  1. Minimize all windows

  2. Right-click the empty section of the desktop and select New = > Shortcut

  3. Type this in the window that opens: taskkill.exe /IM skype.exe /T and hit Enter (or click on ‘Next’)

  4. Type in the name for the shortcut (my usual name is SkypeKill) and click ‘Finish’ (or hit Enter)

  5. Pin (drag) the shortcut to the taskbar so Skype can be closed and shut down with a single click on this taskbar icon.

That’s it. What this does is:

/IM gracefully closes a process with the “image name” skype.exe

/T closes all associated processes skype.exe opened

If Skype doesn’t close gracefully with this (I’ve seen it on some computers), I append ‘ /F’ to the end of the taskkill command to close it forcefully: taskkill.exe /IM skype.exe /T /F

Solution 2:

You can right click on the Skype taskbar icon and click Quit Skype.

enter image description here

Note that if you don't see this option, it may be because you have UAC disabled (according to the Skype developers).