How to use Java-style throws keyword in C#?

The op is asking about the C# equivalent of Java's throws clause - not the throw keyword. This is used in method signatures in Java to indicate a checked exception can be thrown.

In C#, there is no direct equivalent of a Java checked exception. C# has no equivalent method signature clause.

// Java - need to have throws clause if IOException not handled
public void readFile() throws {
  ...not explicitly handling

translates to

// C# - no equivalent of throws clause exceptions are unchecked
public void ReadFile() 
  ...not explicitly handling System.IO.IOException...

In Java, you must either handle an exception or mark the method as one that may throw it using the throws keyword.

C# does not have this keyword or an equivalent one, as in C#, if you don't handle an exception, it will bubble up, until caught or if not caught it will terminate the program.

If you want to handle it then re-throw you can do the following:

  // code that throws an exception
catch(ArgumentNullException ex)
  // code that handles the exception

Yes this is an old thread, however I frequently find old threads when I am googling answers so I figured I would add something useful that I have found.

If you are using Visual Studio 2012 there is a built in tool that can be used to allow for an IDE level "throws" equivalent.

If you use XML Documentation Comments, as mentioned above, then you can use the <exception> tag to specify the type of exception thrown by the method or class as well as information on when or why it is thrown.


    /// <summary>This method throws an exception.</summary>
    /// <param name="myPath">A path to a directory that will be zipped.</param>
    /// <exception cref="IOException">This exception is thrown if the archive already exists</exception>
    public void FooThrowsAnException (string myPath)
        // This will throw an IO exception