Saving blog items as pdf's

If the objective is to preserve all content and links, while affecting the formatting as little as possible... I recommend Evernote.

I know it's not a PDF solution... but after 2 years of archiving web pages in PDFs and images and getting frustrated with it, I decided to convert my personal web capture tool to Evernote.

Give it a shot, you might like it.

There is a firefox extension called PDF Download which will save a page to PDF (or mail it to you).

  • It saved the links for this page when I tried it.
  • But, you need to remember that the page will be saved as a public fetch,
    Which the tool does on-line (not as you logged in).
  • There is a paid version of the PDF Nitro tool (from the same place)
    that will save it right from your desk and you should get those missing parts too.
    Have not tried that though.
  • Another glitch is,
    the free firefox addon (at least) does not handle PDF page boundaries properly,
    you can loose a line of text there...
  • The Nitro tool does have a 14-day free trial if you wish to try that

HTML-to-PDF is a free Windows tool for batch converting webpages to PDF document. It supports clickable links, pages containing JavaScript, live forms, and font embedding.
