To use <git push> on Visual Studio Code, but show "Could not read from remote repository."

I thought the answer by @codewizard was the correct one. Seems VS Code uses '' key only, it was not using my other ssh key pair that git.exe was configured to use.(This key wasn't name id_rsa.) However after generating a new id_rsa key pair, I still got permission denied (publickey).

I Found my answer on this blog entry, seems vs code doesn't have a ssh-agent to interact with?

The solution on the blog being

  • Open a command prompt.
  • Run "start-ssh-agent" and answer passphrase prompts.
  • Run "code" to launch VS Code from that environment.

I used git-bash
start the ssh agent: eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
then "code" to launch VS Code

Note: As @JoshuaH points out in the comments, you can create a windows shortcut to simply the steps above. cmd /c start-ssh-agent & code

git fetch started working. However I started to get a openssh passphrase box every x minutes(untimed)

so I then rechecked the key was added again using git-bash
then "ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
then git config --global credential.helper wincred

If you want a password prompt every time, then ignore the two previous commands and disable autofetch in VS Code's settings.
"git.autofetch": "true" in VS code settings to "git.autofetch": "false"

If you want to use the SSH type of URL in Visual Studio Code's Git Graph for example, then it isn't enough to have a generated SSH key pair and the possibility to do push and pull between local repository and origin repository inside your terminal. Because in the terminal you are always asked for your pass-phrase to authenticate your private SSH credentials.

In order to connect to a Github repo over SSH in VSCode, you need to add the SSH key to the SSH agent as well.

These are the additional steps you need to perform (using the standard MacOS version of ssh-add):

  1. Check there are no existing identities add by the SSG Agent: ssh-add -l
  2. create an ~/.ssh/config file, add the following lines:
 Host *
 UseKeychain yes
 AddKeysToAgent yes
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

and save.

This tells the SSH Agent to automatically load the keys and store the pass-phrases in your MacOS keychain.

  1. add your private key to the SSH Agent: ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  2. Check if the agent successfully stored the key by listing the existing identities: ssh-add -l