Proving that a list of perfect square numbers is complete

Solution 1:

$y^2=1+12x^2(1+x) \implies (12 y)^2 = (12 x)^3 + 12 (12 x)^2 + 144$

Magma code for positive $y$ only:

S:= IntegralPoints(EllipticCurve([0,12,0,0,144]));
for s in S do
  x:= s[1]/12;
  if x eq Floor(x) then
    print "(",x,", ",Abs(s[2]/12),")";
  end if;
end for;


( -1 ,  1 )
( 0 ,  1 )
( 1 ,  5 )
( 4 ,  31 )
( 6 ,  55 )