Synonym for vicious circle but without the negative flavour

Can you think of a word that is like a vicious circle, i.e. where it's difficult to say which thing creates the other, but not in a negative way? I know vicious circle also means that but it has a negative connotation.

Solution 1:

Classic chicken-and-egg situation.

chicken-and-egg ADJECTIVE [ATTRIBUTIVE] Denoting a situation in which each of two things appears to be necessary to the other, making it impossible to say which came first.

Solution 2:

A vicious circle is a negative feedback loop (wikipedia link).

A classic example in business includes missing an important deadline. Managers express their disappointment with the employees, and morale drops. With the lower morale, productivity drops. With the lower productivity, the next deadline is missed. Ad nauseum.

So, we need to find a way to make that into a positive feedback loop (wikipedia again).

Recognize the situation and re-organize our task schedule so we can meet the next deadline. Praise employees for their dedication and thereby increase morale. Watch happily as productivity soars and we smash the following deadlines.

If you need a completely neutral term, then that is just simply feedback loop (once more for wikipedia).

Solution 3:

A self-perpetuating situation, that is, a situation which by its nature causes itself to continue to be.

Solution 4:

The term "positive feedback loop" may fit your needs. It refers to a process that is self-enforcing, like the greenhouse gas effect. The opposite is a negative or "stabilizing" feedback loop, where the process is self-stabilizing, like a thermostat.