Mis-Typed iCloud Email Address. Want to create new iCloud email address

Solution 1:

There are two different ways around this problem.

The first to self help. If you haven't verify the email address that you probably can go back in and change it. Unless you just created this Apple ID hours ago and can walk away from it and just create a second one that is correct, Apple asks for many other pieces of information such as birthday security questions to factor in front Acacian that would allow you to change the one piece of information that's wrong.

The second is to engage Apple customer support. The Apple support webpage will channel you to iCloud account support staff and it will typically be a web form where you can place your correct contact information and explained the mistake you made. They might be able to assist you with things that you can't do for yourself. Additionally, they speak many languages and can often educate you about your options better than a catchall procedure on the Internet can.

Solution 2:

Unless I mis-understand the problem, I think you can edit your email address:

  • Log into iCloud.com
  • In the upper right-hand corner of the home screen, click on your name.
  • In the dialog that appears, click on the AppleID box which contains your contact email address. A new web-page appears.
  • Click the Manage Account link on the right hand side of that page.
  • Sign in (again) on this page with the same credentials (e-mail & password). Your name and your email address will both be presented with a link to edit each. On the left side of this page will be links to edit your password and other account information.