Are there other words with the same weird spelling / pronunciation combo as "victual"?
Did you think of indict? That is pronounced "in-DITE".
There's a good "bt" one: subtle, pronounced "SUT-tl". The only other "bt" words in which the "bt" is pronounced "t" are: debt and doubt.
With ct at the start of the word, the c is silent in the ctenoid.
"Indict" is pronounced "in-dite". Oddly enough, it used to be spelled without a "c" (endite, endight, endyte, indite, ...), as in Old French enditer. The "c" was inserted to make it more like Latin (indictare), just like in your victual example.
Words from drm65's answer follow the same pattern.
"subtle" was "sutel" (Old French soutil) but the Latin is subtilis and so we put the "b" back that the French had dropped.
"debt" was "det", from Old French dete, and the Latin is debitum
"doubt" was "dout", from Old French doter, and the Latin is dubium
"Blackguard" is pronounced like "blaggard," with the latter even being an alternative spelling, similar to "victual"'s alternative spelling, "vittle."