Is there a word to describe the appearance of wet hair?

I work on an Oceanic language that has a specific word for the appearance of wet hair - 'ngengere'. It can apply to people just emerged from water or having put on a lot of hair oil, or wet dogs, or even a wet bird. Have I missed a word in English that grasps this idea?

N.B. 'wet-hair look' I think is not useful - that's more of a fashion term. 'Bedraggled' in my mind weights a value of 'dejected' rather than maintaining a neutral descriptive tone. I'm not so keen on 'plastered' or 'matted' either.

The adjective I would use is slick:

Smooth, glossy, and slippery

This word is considered to be positive when used to describe hair. (You can observe this by looking at the results for "slick hair" which tell you how to get the look.)

I suggest sodden:

heavy with or as if with moisture or water

Sodden can also describe someone who's had too much to drink; however, since you're referencing hair, I don't think that there will be any confusion.