vim: number of total buffers
Solution 1:
Same idea than Heptite's solution, but as a one liner. Many other things may be done this way: get the name of the buffer (thanks to map), wipeout buffers that match a pattern, etc.
echo len(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)'))
Solution 2:
Answers so far are too hacky. Here is vim's built-in way:
As always, see vim's help (:h getbufinfo()
) for the official explanation.
Solution 3:
To my knowledge there is no built-in method in Vim to do this, but you could create a function:
function! NrBufs()
let i = bufnr('$')
let j = 0
while i >= 1
if buflisted(i)
let j+=1
let i-=1
return j
Put the above in a text file with its name ending in .vim, :source it, then you can do something like:
:let buffer_count = NrBufs()
:echo buffer_count
June 21 note: If you have a recent version of Vim as of 2017, Gid's answer below is the optimal solution.