Haml: Append class if condition is true in Haml

If post.published?

  / Post stuff


  / Post stuff

I've implemented this with rails helper and it seems ugly.

= content_tag :div, :class => "post" + (" gray" unless post.published?).to_s do
  / Post stuff

Second variant:

= content_tag :div, :class => "post" + (post.published? ? "" : " gray") do
  / Post stuff

Is there a more simple and haml-specific way?

UPD. Haml-specific, but still not simple:

%div{:class => "post" + (" gray" unless post.published?).to_s}
  / Post stuff

.post{:class => ("gray" unless post.published?)}

- classes = ["post", ("gray" unless post.published?)]
= content_tag :div, class: classes do
  /Post stuff

def post_tag post, &block
  classes = ["post", ("gray" unless post.published?)]
  content_tag :div, class: classes, &block

= post_tag post
  /Post stuff

Really the best thing is to put it into a helper.

%div{ :class => published_class(post) }


def published_class(post)
  "post #{post.published? ? '' : 'gray'}"