System.Lazy<T> with different thread-safety mode

.NET 4.0's System.Lazy<T> class offers three Thread-Safety modes via the enum LazyThreadSafetyMode, which I'll summarise as:

  • LazyThreadSafetyMode.None - Not thread safe.
  • LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication - Only one concurrent thread will attempt to create the underlying value. On successful creation, all waiting threads will receive the same value. If an unhandled exception occurs during creation, it will be re-thrown on each waiting thread, cached and re-thrown on each subsequent attempt to access the underlying value.
  • LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly - Multiple concurrent threads will attempt to create the underlying value but the first to succeed will determine the value passed to all threads. If an unhandled exception occurs during creation, it will not be cached and concurrent & subsequent attempts to access the underlying value will re-try the creation & may succeed.

I'd like to have a lazy-initialized value which follows slightly different thread-safety rules, namely:

Only one concurrent thread will attempt to create the underlying value. On successful creation, all waiting threads will receive the same value. If an unhandled exception occurs during creation, it will be re-thrown on each waiting thread, but it will not be cached and subsequent attempts to access the underlying value will re-try the creation & may succeed.

So the key differince with LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication is that if a "first go" at creation fails, it can be re-attempted at a later time.

Is there an existing (.NET 4.0) class that offers these semantics, or will I have to roll my own? If I roll my own is there a smart way to re-use the existing Lazy<T> within the implementation to avoid explicit locking/synchronization?

N.B. For a use case, imagine that "creation" is potentially expensive and prone to intermittent error, involving e.g. getting a large chunk of data from a remote server. I wouldn't want to make multiple concurrent attempts to get the data since they'll likely all fail or all succeed. However, if they fail, I'd like to be able to retry later on.

Only one concurrent thread will attempt to create the underlying value. On successful creation, all waiting threads will receive the same value. If an unhandled exception occurs during creation, it will be re-thrown on each waiting thread, but it will not be cached and subsequent attempts to access the underlying value will re-try the creation & may succeed.

Since Lazy doesn't support that, you could try to roll it on your own:

private static object syncRoot = new object();
private static object value = null;
public static object Value
        if (value == null)
            lock (syncRoot)
                if (value == null)
                    // Only one concurrent thread will attempt to create the underlying value.
                    // And if `GetTheValueFromSomewhere` throws an exception, then the value field
                    // will not be assigned to anything and later access
                    // to the Value property will retry. As far as the exception
                    // is concerned it will obviously be propagated
                    // to the consumer of the Value getter
                    value = GetTheValueFromSomewhere();
        return value;


In order to meet your requirement about same exception propagated to all waiting reader threads:

private static Lazy<object> lazy = new Lazy<object>(GetTheValueFromSomewhere);
public static object Value
            return lazy.Value;
            // We recreate the lazy field so that subsequent readers
            // don't just get a cached exception but rather attempt
            // to call the GetTheValueFromSomewhere() expensive method
            // in order to calculate the value again
            lazy = new Lazy<object>(GetTheValueFromSomewhere);

            // Re-throw the exception so that all blocked reader threads
            // will get this exact same exception thrown.

Something like this might help:

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace ADifferentLazy
    /// <summary>
    /// Basically the same as Lazy with LazyThreadSafetyMode of ExecutionAndPublication, BUT exceptions are not cached 
    /// </summary>
    public class LazyWithNoExceptionCaching<T>
        private Func<T> valueFactory;
        private T value = default(T);
        private readonly object lockObject = new object();
        private bool initialized = false;
        private static readonly Func<T> ALREADY_INVOKED_SENTINEL = () => default(T);

        public LazyWithNoExceptionCaching(Func<T> valueFactory)
            this.valueFactory = valueFactory;

        public bool IsValueCreated
            get { return initialized; }

        public T Value
                //Mimic LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized()'s double-checked locking, whilst allowing control flow to clear valueFactory on successful initialisation
                if (Volatile.Read(ref initialized))
                    return value;

                lock (lockObject)
                    if (Volatile.Read(ref initialized))
                        return value;

                    value = valueFactory();
                    Volatile.Write(ref initialized, true);
                valueFactory = ALREADY_INVOKED_SENTINEL;
                return value;

Lazy does not support this. This is a design problem with Lazy because exception "caching" means that that lazy instance will not provide a real value forever. This can bring applications down permanently due to transient errors such as network problems. Human intervention is usually required then.

I bet this landmine exists in quite a few .NET apps...

You need to write your own lazy to do this. Or, open a CoreFx Github issue for this.

My attempt at a version of Darin's updated answer that doesn't have the race condition I pointed out... warning, I'm not completely sure this is finally completely free of race conditions.

private static int waiters = 0;
private static volatile Lazy<object> lazy = new Lazy<object>(GetValueFromSomewhere);
public static object Value
        Lazy<object> currLazy = lazy;
        if (currLazy.IsValueCreated)
            return currLazy.Value;

        Interlocked.Increment(ref waiters);

            return lazy.Value;

            // just leave "waiters" at whatever it is... no harm in it.
            if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref waiters) == 0)
                lazy = new Lazy<object>(GetValueFromSomewhere);

Update: I thought I found a race condition after posting this. The behavior should actually be acceptable, as long as you're OK with a presumably rare case where some thread throws an exception it observed from a slow Lazy<T> after another thread has already returned from a successful fast Lazy<T> (future requests will all succeed).

  • waiters = 0
  • t1: comes in runs up to just before the Interlocked.Decrement (waiters = 1)
  • t2: comes in and runs up to just before the Interlocked.Increment (waiters = 1)
  • t1: does its Interlocked.Decrement and prepares to overwrite (waiters = 0)
  • t2: runs up to just before the Interlocked.Decrement (waiters = 1)
  • t1: overwrites lazy with a new one (call it lazy1) (waiters = 1)
  • t3: comes in and blocks on lazy1 (waiters = 2)
  • t2: does its Interlocked.Decrement (waiters = 1)
  • t3: gets and returns the value from lazy1 (waiters is now irrelevant)
  • t2: rethrows its exception

I can't come up with a sequence of events that will cause something worse than "this thread threw an exception after another thread yielded a successful result".

Update2: declared lazy as volatile to ensure that the guarded overwrite is seen by all readers immediately. Some people (myself included) see volatile and immediately think "well, that's probably being used incorrectly", and they're usually right. Here's why I used it here: in the sequence of events from the example above, t3 could still read the old lazy instead of lazy1 if it was positioned just before the read of lazy.Value the moment that t1 modified lazy to contain lazy1. volatile protects against that so that the next attempt can start immediately.

I've also reminded myself why I had this thing in the back of my head saying "low-lock concurrent programming is hard, just use a C# lock statement!!!" the entire time I was writing the original answer.

Update3: just changed some text in Update2 pointing out the actual circumstance that makes volatile necessary -- the Interlocked operations used here are apparently implemented full-fence on the important CPU architectures of today and not half-fence as I had originally just sort-of assumed, so volatile protects a much narrower section than I had originally thought.