App icon switches to low resolution upon launching an app

Recently I started getting this really weird but annoying bug. While the app is in the Dock but not working, its icon is in good resolution. But once I open it, the icon switches to low resolution. Same thing with its icon in the app switcher (Command + Tab) view.

It only affects the Wolfram Mathematica app. I tried reinstalling the program as well as the whole Mac OS X, but it's still there, anyone know how to fix it?

I am running Mac OS X Mojave.

Before launching the app:

enter image description here

After launching the app:

enter image description here

Version of Mathematica:

enter image description here

This appears to be a bug in the app itself. It's also affecting the Wolfram app and affects not only the icon in the dock, but also the app switcher icon. I tried creating a new WolframDesktop.icns file, but the application still reverts back to the lower resolution icon on my 13" MacBook Pro. The icon renders fine on a 15" MacBook Pro. Both are running Mojave.

Probably the first two things to check are that you've only got the one version of Wolfram Mathematica installed and that it's also the latest version.

If the problem still persists after you've double-checked the above, you can also choose to reset and restart the Dock. Note you will need to re-add any non-default icons (i.e. apps) that you've added to the Dock - so you may want to take a screenshot of your Dock as a reminder of what you had there. (Or start afresh and only add things as you actually use them).

To reset and restart the Dock, follow these steps:

  • Go to Finder
  • Press and hold the option key down
  • Now go to the Go menu
  • Select the Library option to open the User's Library folder. You can let go of the option key now.
  • Go to the Preferences folder (i.e. within the Library folder)
  • Find and move the file to the Trash
  • Now open Terminal (usually located in Applications > Utilities)
  • Enter this command killall -KILL Dock
  • Press enter

As mentioned previously, you will need to re-add non-default apps back to the Dock.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, it's almost certainly an isolated issue with this app and you'd be best to contact their support to raise the issue with them.