Exchange 2010 Mailbox Export

A user isn't notified when you do a mailbox export, or if you used exmerge. Either way, for 2010 you need to use the new-mailboxExportRequest cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell and specify a file path to send the PST. For example:

New-MailboxExportRequest jsmith -FilePath "\\server\Psts\jsmith.pst"

You also need to give the Trusted Exchange Subsystem read/write permissions to the folder you will store the exported PSTs.

As Judaslscariot pointed out, you also need to grant the account performing the export the Import/Export Role.

And you can get further stats on detailed progress with:

Get-MailboxExportRequest | Get-MailboxExportRequestStatistics 

Which will show you the percentage complete.

Grant yourself the Import/Export role:


New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox "UserToBeLetOff" -FilePath \\server\fileshare\backup_UserMailbox.pst

To keep an eye on the progress, use:

Get-MoveRequest -Identity "[email protected]"

2 Hours for 16GB, your kinda in a hurry, but it should be possible, if you choose a fileshare on the Mailbox server as FilePath

You can easily export mailboxes as suggested by @HostBits and @ Mathias R. Jessen

If you are facing "New-MailboxExportRequest command is not recognized" error, There could be several reasons like:

  1. Exchange needs an update: For executing New-MailboxExportRequest command, you should have Exchange 2010 SP1 or later version installed.

  2. Your account doesn’t have necessary permissions: to assign the role, enter following command in the PowerShell window,

    New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role “Mailbox Import Export” –User “DOMAIN\USER”

  3. You aren’t running EMS as an Admin: Right-clicking on its icon and selecting ‘Run as Administrator’.

You can check more detailed steps from here.