Will code in a Finally statement fire if I return a value in a Try block?

Solution 1:

Simple answer: Yes.

Solution 2:

Normally, yes. The finally section is guaranteed to execute whatever happens including exceptions or return statement. An exception to this rule is an asynchronous exception happening on the thread (OutOfMemoryException, StackOverflowException).

To learn more about async exceptions and reliable code in that situations, read about constrained execution regions.

Solution 3:

Here's a little test:

class Class1
    static void Main(string[] args)

    static string test()
            return "return";

The result is:


Solution 4:

Quoting from MSDN

finally is used to guarantee a statement block of code executes regardless of how the preceding try block is exited.

Solution 5:

Generally yes, the finally will run.

For the following three scenarios, the finally will ALWAYS run:

  1. No exceptions occur
  2. Synchronous exceptions (exceptions that occur in normal program flow).
    This includes CLS compliant exceptions that derive from System.Exception and non-CLS compliant exceptions, which do not derive from System.Exception. Non-CLS compliant exceptions are automatically wrapped by the RuntimeWrappedException. C# cannot throw non-CLS complaint exceptions, but languages such as C++ can. C# could be calling into code written in a language that can throw non-CLS compliant exceptions.
  3. Asynchronous ThreadAbortException
    As of .NET 2.0, a ThreadAbortException will no longer prevent a finally from running. ThreadAbortException is now hoisted to before or after the finally. The finally will always run and will not be interrupted by a thread abort, so long as the try was actually entered before the thread abort occurred.

The following scenario, the finally will not run:

Asynchronous StackOverflowException.
As of .NET 2.0 a stack overflow will cause the process to terminate. The finally will not be run, unless a further constraint is applied to make the finally a CER (Constrained Execution Region). CERs should not be used in general user code. They should only be used where it is critical that clean-up code always run -- after all the process is shutting down on stack overflow anyway and all managed objects will therefore be cleaned-up by default. Thus, the only place a CER should be relevant is for resources that are allocated outside of the process, e.g., unmanaged handles.

Typically, unmanaged code is wrapped by some managed class before being consumed by user code. The managed wrapper class will typically make use of a SafeHandle to wrap the unmanaged handle. The SafeHandle implements a critical finalizer, and a Release method that is run in a CER to guarantee the execution of the clean-up code. For this reason, you should not see CERs littered through-out user code.

So the fact that the finally doesn't run on StackOverflowException should have no effect to user code, since the process will terminate anyway. If you have some edge case where you do need to clean-up some unmanaged resource, outside of a SafeHandle or CriticalFinalizerObject, then use a CER as follows; but please note, this is bad practice -- the unmanaged concept should be abstracted to a managed class(es) and appropriate SafeHandle(s) by design.


// No code can appear after this line, before the try
    // This is *NOT* a CER
    // This is a CER; guaranteed to run, if the try was entered, 
    // even if a StackOverflowException occurs.