Google Chrome Extension to submit POST/GET requests?

As a developer I sometimes need to be able to make GET/POST requests without having a form on the page. Are there any plug-ins that allow me to submit GET/POST requests to a specified page and then see the results?

Simple REST Client. No frills, gets the job done.

enter image description here

You can try POSTMAN.

It works good for making HTTP requests and debugging and I like its UI.

enter image description here

DHC - Dev HTTP Client

"REST & HTTP API developer's pocket knife. Easy to use and configurable. HATEOAS, Hypermedia, Requests History+Repository, and more."

I find it very useful and it has many features.DHC Snapshot

XHR Poster is great, lets you save some requests, and shows the response nicely formatted. The results panel is tabbed so you can see many results after doing new requests.