How does an Ability Capsule interact with Hidden Abilities?

In Pokemon Ultra Moon, I have a Alolan Marowak with the ability Lighting Rod. But what I really want is his ability to be Rock Head. I farmed and tried to give him an ability capsule, but the ability capsule said that it was going to turn him into a Cursed Body Marowak.

If I change him into an Cursed Body Marowak and give him a ability capsule again, will it turn him into a Rock Head Marowak, or will it just switch him back into a Lighting Rod Marowak? Rock Head is not a hidden ability.

Solution 1:

If I change him into an Cursed Body Marowak and give him a ability capsule again, will it turn him into a Rock Head Marowak, or will it just switch him back into a Lighting Rod Marowak?

It will just switch it back to Lighting Rod

As you can see here, Marowak, it's hidden ability is Rock Head, and Hidden Abilities don't change with ability capsule.

Let me explain real quick. Each pokemon has 3 ability slots, in Marowak and it's preevolution case, they have 3 different (Pokemon with just 1 ability used the first 2 slot for the same ability).

Cubone has the next abilities:

  1. Rock Head.
  2. Lightningrod
  3. Hidden Ability: Battle Armor

And A-Marowak has the next ones:

  1. Cursed Body
  2. Lightningrod
  3. Hidden Ability: Rock Head

And abilities change based on their ability slot, for example, if you get a Rock Head Cubone, it will become a Cursed Body A-Marowak, so, if you want a Rock Head A-Marowak, you need to breed or SOS Chain a Battle Armor Cubone.