Long Minecraft Delays (1.12.2) [duplicate]

I have looked around the internet for methods of having big redstone delays (Up to 5 or 7 minutes), and multiple of these delays in a row, each delay sending a redstone signal to a command block then activating another long redstone delay (Not a loop).

The problem is that I don't want to use a whole lot of repeaters connected between different command blocks, as this would take too long and take up a lot of space. The amount of time also does not need to be too accurate.

What I have found is that many of the solutions I have tried to find are loops (Like Etho's Hopper Timer), and instead of a constant loop I want a redstone delay, like a bunch of repeaters, but more compact.

Anything easy to set up via redstone is preferred but I'm open to using scoreboards.

Edit: I slightly edited Yeet's suggestion so that the command kills the minecart, sand, and also gives an output.

Solution 1:

I've made a possible solution. You could summon a command block minecart riding a falling sand without gravity. After the time nbt tag on the falling sand reaches 600 it will despawn and the minecart will run its command. I made a quick command that replicates my setup. Just put this in a command block and run it:

summon falling_block ~ ~1 ~ {Block:stone,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:falling_block,Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:falling_block,Block:activator_rail,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:commandblock_minecart,Command:"gamerule commandBlockOutput false"},{id:commandblock_minecart,Command:"setblock ~ ~3 ~ command_block 0 0 {Command:\"summon falling_block ~2 ~1.5 ~ {Time:-1200, NoGravity:1, Passengers:[{id:commandblock_minecart, Command:\\\"say 60 seconds\\\"}]}\"}"},{id:commandblock_minecart,Command:"setblock ~2 ~3 ~ redstone_block"},{id:commandblock_minecart,Command:"setblock ~2 ~4 ~ activator_rail"},{id:commandblock_minecart,Command:"setblock ~ ~ ~1 command_block 0 0 {Command:\"fill ~ ~-3 ~-1 ~ ~ ~ air\"}"},{id:commandblock_minecart,Command:"setblock ~ ~-1 ~1 redstone_block"},{id:commandblock_minecart,Command:"kill @e[type=commandblock_minecart,r=1]"}]}]}]}