5 stars on Android Coin Dozer?

I've seen on the iPhone version of Coin Dozer, it is possible to change the 4 stars into 5 stars (meaning you can use coins quicker).

Is this possible on Android? And if so how do I unlock it?

Solution 1:

It is possible on Android. These screenshots were taken this morning from my S3.

When below 50 coins, only 4 stars are available:enter image description here

But when you have 50 or more coins, 5 stars are available:enter image description here

It may have been added in a recent update, but the Android version certainly can have 5 stars.

Solution 2:

I think you can safely say the answer is no. There is no information on the internet to support an increase in stars at any level.

From personal experience, I have played the game to a near 100 level and have had thousands of coins and the number of coins available to drop at one time has not changed.

Solution 3:

I'm at 8000 coins on android and level 192, so no.