Reading the data written to s3 by Amazon Kinesis Firehose stream

I am writing record to Kinesis Firehose stream that is eventually written to a S3 file by Amazon Kinesis Firehose.

My record object looks like

ItemPurchase {
    String personId,
    String itemId

The data is written to S3 looks like:



NO STARTING BRACKET as in a Json Array


NO ENDING BRACKET as in a Json Array


I want to read this data get a list of ItemPurchase objects.

List<ItemPurchase> purchases = getPurchasesFromS3(IOUtils.toString(s3ObjectContent))

What is the correct way to read this data?

It boggles my mind that Amazon Firehose dumps JSON messages to S3 in this manner, and doesn't allow you to set a delimiter or anything.

Ultimately, the trick I found to deal with the problem was to process the text file using the JSON raw_decode method

This will allow you to read a bunch of concatenated JSON records without any delimiters between them.

Python code:

import json

decoder = json.JSONDecoder()

with open('giant_kinesis_s3_text_file_with_concatenated_json_blobs.txt', 'r') as content_file:

    content =

    content_length = len(content)
    decode_index = 0

    while decode_index < content_length:
            obj, decode_index = decoder.raw_decode(content, decode_index)
            print("File index:", decode_index)
        except JSONDecodeError as e:
            print("JSONDecodeError:", e)
            # Scan forward and keep trying to decode
            decode_index += 1

I also had the same problem, here is how I solved.

  1. replace "}{" with "}\n{"
  2. line split by "\n". x : re.sub("}{", "}\n{", x, flags=re.UNICODE))
                  .flatMap(lambda line: line.split("\n"))

A nested json object has several "}"s, so split line by "}" doesn't solve the problem.

I've had the same issue.

It would have been better if AWS allowed us to set a delimiter but we can do it on our own.

In my use case, I've been listening on a stream of tweets, and once receiving a new tweet I immediately put it to Firehose.

This, of course, resulted in a 1-line file which could not be parsed.

So, to solve this, I have concatenated the tweet's JSON with a \n. This, in turn, let me use some packages that can output lines when reading stream contents, and parse the file easily.

Hope this helps you.

I think the best ways to tackle this is to first create a properly formatted json file containing well separated json objects within them. In my case I added ',' to the events which was pushed into the firehose. Then After a file is saved in s3, all the files will contain json object separated by some delimitter(comma- in our case). Another thing that must be added are '[' and ']' at the beginning and end of the file. Then you have a proper json file containing multiple json objects. Parsing them will be possible now.

If the input source for the firehose is an Analytics application, this concatenated JSON without a delimiter is a known issue as cited here. You should have a lambda function as here that outputs JSON objects in multiple lines.