How to install Teamspeak 3 client on ubuntu 12.04 lts 32 bit?

I have been trying to install Teamspeak using the following file but have been unable to do so. I use Ubuntu 12.04 lts 32-bit.

Kindly help with detailed steps since I have started using Ubuntu only yesterday.

Solution 1:

Use these commands in a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

  1. cd ~/Downloads (assuming saved in Downloads folder, otherwise where you saved it)
  2. chmod u+x ./
  3. ./

  4. Follow the instructions

or, you could try this (probably for an older version of Teamspeak, though)

sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client

Solution 2:

For those unfamiliar with Linux:

Do the first three steps in the answer from minerz029.

  1. cd ~/Downloads (assuming saved in Downloads folder, otherwise where you saved it)
  2. chmod u+x ./
  3. OR if 64bit version: chmod u+x ./
  4. ./
  5. OR if 64bit version: ./
  6. Press enter to view the user agreement
  7. Press Q to leave the user agreement
  8. Type Yes to create the folder (named TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_xxxxxx)
  9. Open the folder, Run program called ts3client_linux_x86 or ts3client_linux_amd64
