How to use comparison operator for numeric string in MySQL?

Solution 1:

better answer based on converting to number:

select * from employee where cast(substring(experience, 1, instr(experience, '-')-1) as signed) >= 3;

mysql> select cast(substring('11-3', 1, instr('11-3', '-')-1) as signed);
| cast(substring('11-3', 1, instr('11-3', '-')-1) as signed) |
|                                                         11 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cast(substring('11-3', 1, instr('11-3', '-')-1) as signed) > 3;
| cast(substring('11-3', 1, instr('11-3', '-')-1) as signed) > 3 |
|                                                              1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cast(substring('11-3', 1, instr('11-3', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3;
| cast(substring('11-3', 1, instr('11-3', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3 |
|                                                               1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cast(substring('3-0', 1, instr('3-0', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3;
| cast(substring('3-0', 1, instr('3-0', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3 |
|                                                             1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cast(substring('2-11', 1, instr('2-11', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3;
| cast(substring('2-11', 1, instr('2-11', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3 |
|                                                               0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cast(substring('22-11', 1, instr('22-11', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3; 
| cast(substring('22-11', 1, instr('22-11', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3 |
|                                                                 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cast(substring('11-0', 1, instr('11-0', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3; 
| cast(substring('11-0', 1, instr('11-0', '-')-1) as signed) >= 3 |
|                                                               1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

unsigned would probably be better for readability. wouldn't likely have any affect on the query.

Solution 2:

Select * from main where cast(split_str(experience, '-', 1) as unsigned) >= 3;

split_str (it is an user function :, not by default in mysql) will split your column with its seperator and cast will turn your string into an int unsigned, then you can test it. Else if one day you want to test months and years, like all experience above 3 year and 10 months, you can convert your value in decimal (this also work for above test) :

Select * from main where cast(replace(experience, '-', '.') As decimal(5,2)) > 3.10;

I might have done some typos (typing on my smartphone), but you have got the idea.