Solution 1:

At work, we have a significant amount of legacy .NET code so I've been using ClojureCLR a good amount in debugging to sanity check individual components. Have you been able to get to the REPL? It's definitely not as straightforward as the Java version, but the docs on github are pretty helpful. One thing that's going to be a pain is the lack of generics. You will have to hack them in yourself, but it's not exactly the hardest thing in the world. I've actually been meaning to write a blog post about ClojureCLR interop and generics. This might be the impetus to get me to do so.

Edit: finally got off my ass and did it...

Edit 2: new link

Solution 2:

Here's a .NET Rocks! radio show about the Clojure-CLR project. David Miller (faculty of DePaul University in Chicago) talks about porting it. This information might confirm or dissipate your leeriness. The interview starts at about 6 minutes and they start talking Clojure at about 12 minutes in.

Here's the transcript for the show for easy searching.

Solution 3:

If you look at the checkins rss feed you'll see that David Miller has been doing a lot of good work to add functionality. What's not clear is when David might be targeting a release or what functionality a release might contain. I'm eager to play with clojure-clr, but I'm holding off until it's baked enough to have an initial binary release.