How to read complete line in 'for' loop with spaces

I am trying to run a for loop for file and I want to display whole line. But instead its displaying last word only. I want the complete line.

for j in `cat ./file_wget_med`

echo $j


result after run:


Here is my data:

$ cat file_wget_med
2013-09-11 14:27:03 ERROR 404: Not Found.

for loop splits when it sees any whitespace like space, tab, or newline. So, you should use IFS (Internal Field Separator):

IFS=$'\n'       # make newlines the only separator
for j in $(cat ./file_wget_med)    
    echo "$j"
# Note: IFS needs to be reset to default!

for loops split on any whitespace (space, tab, newline) by default; the easiest way to work on one line at a time is to use a while read loop instead, which splits on newlines:

while read i; do echo "$i"; done < ./file_wget_med

I would expect your command to spit out one word per line (that's what happened when I tested it out with a file of my own). If something else is happening, I'm not sure what could be causing it.

files=`find <subdir> -name '*'`
while read -r fname; do
    echo $fname
done <<< "$files"

Verified working, not the one liner you probably want but it's not possible to do so elegantly.

Here is a slight extension to Mitchell Currie's answer, that I like because of the small scope of side effects, which avoids having to set a variable:

while read -r fname; do
    echo $fname
done <<< "`find <subdir>`"