What is a word for "experts' self-serving practice"?

Is there any word to refer to the practice of experts in a given field aiming at maintaining their position as experts, rather than producing anything that could possibly challenge their position?

I would like to describe this concisely, if possible in one -ism word, rather than as "experts' self-serving practice".

Is there any existing word for this? If not, could you suggest a neologism?

The word entrenchment or its variations come to mind (from the OED):

Entrenched - adjective (of attitudes, idea, etc.,) firmly established and not easily modified.

Entrenchment - noun entrenching; being entrenched.

As in,

The group's research was intended to entrench its current position instead of offer new data to the field.

It makes me think of a person or group fortifying themselves against change, similar to when a person "digs in their heels" and won't budge on an issue.

A similar phrase that could send you down the right path might be "maintaining the status quo," which can connote a resistance to change or growth.

As for a neologism, something like anti-progressivism comes to mind, although "Progressivism" also refers to the political movement.

A great two-word phrase I have heard lately is "epistemic closure", where the people in the circle have decided that there is nothing to learn from those outside it. But I'm not sure that quite fits your need.

Authoritism may be a suitable neologism for the perpetuation of authority.

The world could be accompanied by authoritistic, and authoritites