How to omit NA values while pasting numerous column values together?

I have a data frame dd2 with hundreds of columns and what I need to do is paste all these column values together omitting any NA values. If I do something like this

apply(dd2, 1, paste, collapse=",")

it actually includes NAs as "NA" string. I want to avoid that. I could also do as shown below, but this would expect me to work for each individual column at a time to get the result.

result <- cbind(    
    combination = paste(dd2[,2], replace(dd2[,3],[,3]), ""), sep = ",")

Is there any efficient way to do it? Here is the sample data:

dd2 <- structure(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "AK2", "HFM1", NA, "TRR", 
"RTT", NA, "PPT", "TRR", "RTT", NA, "PPT", NA, NA, "GGT", NA), .Dim = c(5L, 
4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("sample_id", "plant", "animal", 

You could try na.omit() to omit the values, then paste. Also, you could use toString(), as it is the equivalent of paste(..., collapse = ", ").

apply(dd2, 1, function(x) toString(na.omit(x)))
# [1] "A, AK2, PPT"      "B, HFM1, PPT"     "C, TRR"          
# [4] "D, TRR, RTT, GGT" "E, RTT"   

If you have specific columns you are using then

apply(dd2[, cols], 1, function(x) toString(na.omit(x)))

dd2 is a matrix in which case using apply as suggested by @Rich Scriven is more appropriate. If it is a dataframe you can use tidyr::unite

dd2 <- data.frame(dd2)
tidyr::unite(dd2, result, plant, animal, more, na.rm = TRUE, sep = ',')

#  sample_id      result
#1         A     AK2,PPT
#2         B    HFM1,PPT
#3         C         TRR
#4         D TRR,RTT,GGT
#5         E         RTT

To combine all the columns you can use everything().

tidyr::unite(dd2, result, dplyr::everything(), na.rm = TRUE, sep = ',')

#         result
#1     A,AK2,PPT
#2    B,HFM1,PPT
#3         C,TRR
#5         E,RTT