Looking for a word like "gearhead" but for gadgets

The question is kind of self-explanatory. I'm looking for a single word along the lines of "gearhead" that could describe a person who is really into tech and gadgets, rather than cars. Upon Googling "gearhead," there were a few examples where the word was used more in reference to what I'm looking for, but more often than not it's used in the context of vehicles and I was hoping to avoid using it...

Person 1: (gestures vaguely) "Look at that guy over there."

*person in question appears to be carrying various electronic devices, has a fancy phone, etc.

Person 2: "You mean that [gearhead]?"

Solution 1:

From wiktionary.org one may append "-head" to make up new words. It says:

Etymology 2. Combining form of the noun head. Suffix: -head
Used to form (usually derogatory) words for people who regularly have their mind focused upon a particular subject, activity, or a specified drug or other substance, or who are addicted in some way.
motorhead, metalhead, pothead
Used to form words to describe people who are fans of something, especially music.

And this leads us to ...

1) Techhead

Tech-head - An enthusiast for or expert in technology, now especially computer technology.
— OD

2) Gadgethead

This seems widely used with many Google hits, though I haven't seen it in an 'official' dictionary. Meaning is obvious anyway e.g. from NY Mag:

15 Techie Gifts for Your Favorite Gadget Head

Solution 2:

Don't stray from the gadget. Go with gadgeteer.

Gadgeteer NOUN

I'm not a gadgeteer; I don't enjoy the equipment as an end in itself.

Most of my fellow-divers were keen gadgeteers.

The gadgeteer takes items he finds during his adventures and uses his Engineering skill to transform them into gadgets. - ODO