Set the font size in pycharm's python console or terminal

There are terminal and python console in pycharm, which are very convenient. But I found that the font size was too small to recognize in terminal or python console. How can change the font size in the terminal or python console?

In PyCharm 2016.3, the console font setting is squirrelled away under Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Font:

Console font settings in PyCharm

Note: Changes to the colors and font are not visible immediately, you have to restart the terminal session to apply them. It's not enough to just hide and reopen the terminal. Just click the red cross button on the terminal's toolbar (Close Terminal Session) and reopen it. The same is valid also for the Python Console.

The location of console font changed in the latest versions of Pycharm.
Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> Console Font

enter image description here