Prove that for any directed graph G = (V, E), the following inequality holds: d(A) + d(B) ≥ d(A ∩ B) + d(A ∪ B)

Consider the disjoint subsets $A\cap B, A-B, B-A, S-A - B$.
Consider an edge that goes from one subset to another distinct subset.
How many times is this edge counted on the LHS?
How many times is this edge counted on the RHS?

Is the first number always larger than or equal to the second number?

IE An edge from $A-B$ to $B-A$ is counted in $d(A)$ but not in $ d(B)$, $d( A \cap B)$, or $d(A \cup B)$, so the edge is counted at least as many times on the LHS as it is on the RHS.
If we can show this for each of these types of edges, then the inequality holds.