NTFS Permissions for parent folder to make subfolders accessible
NTFS does not provide a method to discover such remote sub-folders within itself, assuming that the intermediary folder is truly no-access. To get such intelligence you have to look beyond just the file-system, perhaps by interrogating other files for paths contained in the doucments, or any shortcuts laying about that reference such sub-directories.
Things get more interesting if JohnDoe has elevated access to the machine. At that point examining open file-handles can reveal the presence of hidden directories. If the directory is shared out, the list of open files for the share would also reveal their presence. These methods wouldn't work for 'normal' users though.
Create a junction for subfolder in the root directory.
Use the command:
MkLink /j "E:\junction-to-subfolder" "E:\folder\subfolder"
Now JohnDoe can see and access that subfolder easily.
EDIT: To remove the junction without affecting the target, use:
RD "E:\junction-to-subfolder"