A word for a selfish vote

I'm looking for a word which describes an individual voting in a selfish way.

For example, if someone was to say 'I voted because the policy would work for me, I know it wouldn't work for the wider community'

I don't think that there is a single word for this.

I would be inclined to call it a "self-interested vote" rather than a "selfish vote". Example sentence: "65% of voters reported voting in their own self-interest in the recent election".

I prefer "self-interested" as it has slightly less of a value judgement than "selfish" - though if you want to convey the negative value judgement, "selfish" may be the better word.

This is a political point rather than one about language, but there is an argument that if everyone votes in their self-interest then the overall result will then reflect the general welfare. Certainly, if no-one votes in their own self-interest, it's not clear that the result will be in anyone's interest.

I think you can call it an opportunistic vote:

  • Taking advantage of opportunities as they arise.
  • exploiting opportunities with little regard to principle or consequences - a politician considered opportunistic


Consider self-serving (AHD):

Serving one's own interests, especially without concern for the needs or interests of others.


This botched free-for-all was an aborted attempt to create new Senate districts, and the outcome wasn't good for Lake County, thanks in part to a blatantly self-serving vote by Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, whose hometown would have been a tiny ink spot in a much larger district if the House proposal had passed. (Orlando Sentinel)