What is the naming convention for Click packages?
Solution 1:
The package name is usually the name of your application, all in lowercase and using dashes (-
) instead of spaces.
For example, here are a few of my applications and their package names:
Weather Desktop became
. -
Ubuntu Tasks become
. -
uBible will be
In addition, Click packages also use a namespace which is combined with the package name to form the App ID. The namespace is the developer's domain name reversed, so for example:
- MyAwesomeApps.com would become
. - Ubuntu.com would become
If you don't have your own domain name, you can use the default which is based on your Launchpad user name:
There are a couple of things to note about your developer namespace:
Once you've uploaded an app, it cannot be changed. Before you've uploaded an app, if you've made a mistake or would like to change it, you can ask in the
channel to have it changed. -
You can only use a namespace if you own the domain it represents or if it is the default using your Launchpad user name.
So for example, the App ID for Ubuntu Tasks is