Snow Leopard on Core Duo

The first run of MacBook Pros have Core Duo processors, whereas all the ones after that have Core 2 Duos. Apple says Snow Leopard only requires an Intel processor, but will a first-gen MacBook Pro get enough of the improvements to be worth upgrading?

This is similar to the question about Snow Leopard on an old iBook, but it differs because this processor is supported by Apple, but seems counter to the 64-bit theme of the upgrade.

Solution 1:

Definitely worth upgrading. New 64-bit support is kind of minor in the scheme of all the other little tweaks, enhancements, improvements, and overall shine included for $29.

Solution 2:

I have an early 2006 MacBook Pro which still is a Core Duo (not Core 2 Duo). Since this processor is not 64-bit, I can only use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) when applications support it comes out. It won't be able to support OpenCL and other 64-bit features. I'm perfectly happy with it for now.