Do I need to keep my PS Plus subscription to play my free PS3 games now that PS Plus is no longer giving away PS3 games?

Solution 1:

No, nothing has changed about the way PS Plus works now that PS3 games are no longer part of the deal.

You won't be able to play the games you got for free once you cancel your PS Plus subscription. However if you re-subscribe at a later date, when you get a PS4 for example, then you will be able to play them again.

Here is the relevant section from the PlayStation website:

Once your PlayStation Plus membership ends, content you previously downloaded at no cost as part of the membership (such as Plus Monthly Games) will no longer be available. However, free avatars and content you purchased at a discounted PlayStation Plus price is yours to keep.

If your PlayStation Plus membership expires and you renew it at a later date, you will regain access to content that you have previously downloaded through PlayStation Plus.
